About Me

  • I am a PhD student at Mila advised by Prof. Sarath Chandar. My research focuses on understanding how deep learning models work (empirically and theoretically) and uncovering their training dynamics. My main insterest is in long-term dependence modeling and memory augmented neural networks, in particular the use of structured memory and how to leverage it for adaptating to distributional shifts or enabling more robust information flow.
  • My research is (or has been) generously supported by NSERC, FRQNT and Hydro-Québec among other sources.

Working With Me

  • I am actively seeking motivated students for collaboration. If you are passionate about research and eager to work on innovative projects in deep learning, consider working with me. You will have the opportunity to lead your own research projects or contribute to ongoing projects. To do so, please fill out this form - we will reach out directly if there is a strong fit and ample resources available. In the event that you satisfy one of the following criteria, please reach out to me directly (by e-mail) as there may be additional ways to increase the chances of collaboration:
    • 1. If you are a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) registered in a bachelor's degree program.
    • 2. You are a student at one of Mila's partner unversities.
    • 3. You have external funding to support an internship/research stay and are not a resident of Quebec.

Recent Works

  • EpiK-Eval: Evaluation for Language Models as Epistemic Models [Link]
  • Promoting Exploration in Memory-Augmented Adam using Critical Momenta [Link]

Contacting Me

  • Please use my e-mail. I check it daily and respond in a timely fashion unless I am traveling or inordinately busy with other things.

Other Information

  • Outside of research, I read books, watch anime and cook (particularly seafood). I follow the principle of 腹八分目 (hachi hachi bun me - eat until you are eight parts full). I also play badminton, swim, go fishing and snowboard (in the winter).